Tuesday, August 7, 2007

GRE Syllabus

There is no declared syllabus for the GRE. This is a very big obstacle that makes studying the GRE difficult. Although there is no syllabus, ETS does state that the test makes up the following parts

The syllabus can be broke up as follows :

· Analytical Writing

· Verbal Sessions

1. Reading Comprehensions
2. Sentence Completions
3. Antonyms
4. Analogies

· Maths Sessions
1. Arithmatic
2. Algebra
3. Word Problems
4. Geometry
5. Data Interpretation
6. Quantitative Comparisons

Verbal and Maths syllabus will both be discussed in detail in separate posts.


Unknown said...

Hi ... nice blog! really helpful...esp with the univ n counselor choosin tip...could you mail the big book material to palindromic.existence@gmail.com..cheers!

nancy john said...

thanks for sharing information really it is very useful
